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Law proposals and bills are initiated to the Assembly via two channels:
The Regional Council of Ministers.

Ten MPs.

After receiving a proposal or a draft law, The Presidency of the Assembly distributes
the bill on the members and appoints a date for the recital in the Assembly without
discussion at the first reading, then it will be transmitted to the Committee on Law and the relevant
committee, and finally it will be discussed in details and put to vote,
article by article, after have been addressed by the Standing Committees,
which in turn prepare opinions in written reports, to be discussed in the
designated meeting of the Assembly.

After a proposal or a draft law has been passed and voted on as a whole,
it will be referred to the President to be issued where the power for
issuing such laws particularly since the second stage of electing a
Regional Leader in whom such power would have been invested, was
not completed. The law is then published in the Assembly's official
gazette, thus becoming a law to be acted upon.

For more information:
Iraqi Kurdistan National Assembly-Arbil

Tel.: +873 - 761 918 25
Fax:  +873- 761 918 26

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Revised: 23-11-1999 by Alex Atroushi